David Robinson, R.T. (R)(MR)(CT)(MRSO) is the director of imaging services for Doctors Imaging in Metairie, Louisiana. David has extensive experience in brain imaging, including development of projects and applications for advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). His current work includes clinical and research program development and coordination of advanced imaging services. He has done independent MRI development projects and applications for Picker-Marconi/Phillips, Toshiba, Hitachi and Siemens. David’s work has involved testing and clinical applications related to software and hardware along with clinical sequence applications for protocol improvement with MRI/MRA sequences, including structural and functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and MRI spectroscopy. David maintains an independent customer client base for training and advanced technologist training on MRI scanners. David is working with clinicians, researchers, educators, and community partners at the Brain Institute of Louisiana to develop innovative clinical and research protocols to advance brain health and clinical research in the region.