Alzheimer Article

Apraxia in Dementia

Apraxia in Dementia

EATING AND SWALLOWING IN ALHEIMER’S DISEASE   Alzheimer’s disease is associated with problems in brain networks that store the memories of how to use and manipulate tools. This problem can impact how these individuals eat and swallow. More research needs to be done to improve functional independence in people with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.   Summary: Dementia is defined as a decline from a...


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Brain aging, high blood pressure and obesity

Brain aging, high blood pressure and obesity

Figure 1. Lateral view of the human brain   showing the left frontal lobe in Pink (Credit: Digital Storm via Shutterstock) Figure 2. Cross-Section of the human brain showing brain cells (gray matter) in the outer ‘gray’ rim, and brain connections (white matter) in inner ‘blue’ area. (Credit: Foundas Brain Lab). Figure 3. Horizontal brain image showing white matter disease visualized as the punctate ‘white’ areas. These lesions are consistent...


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